Posted by Linda Zinn on Feb 10, 2018

My Dear Midgie

Winter, spring, winter, mud??...Our weather is never boring in the Northwest. A gorgeous sunny day always brings me out doors. Yesterday was a perfect day to walk my dog Midgie. We walk slowly, she will be 14 years old next month. She is quite deaf and has arthritis. She and I are aging together. I love her so much.

Wonderful news! Karen Hanna, our computer guru, has been working on a new program for Bizarre Bazaar. Our volunteer calendar is going on line. The store calendar will come to you by way of an email. You'll be able to sign up for your shifts and see who you are working with. Team leaders will be able to see if their shifts are covered. CAL is becoming very modern.

Are you looking for new was to be involved with CAL? During this month's general meeting, on February 21st, Robbie Gleason will be explaining our election process for new board members. CAL can offer you the opportunity to serve as a committee chairperson or join a committee that may sound interesting to you. Members new to these positions always bring fresh ideas. We all have special talents, so give your gift a chance to shine. JOIN AND HAVE FUN.


A beautiful and healthy breakfast recipe just for you
Slow-Cooked Fruited Oatmeal with Nuts

3 cups water
2 tsp. melted butter
2 cups old-fashioned oats
1 tsp. pumpkin pie spice
2 cups chopped apples
1 tsp. ground cinnamon
1 cup dried cranberries
6 Tbsp. chopped almonds, toasted
1 cup fat-free milk toasted
6 Tbsp. chopped pecans, toasted

Combine the first 8 ingredients in a 3-qt. slow cooker, coated with cooking spray. Cook on low for 6-8 hours. Spoon into bowls and sprinkle with nuts. So yummy. Enjoy!

Linda Zinn