Idaho Community Foundation
CAL's Fund Information





The following are answers to questions that I have received from individuals. I am going to start at the beginning and take you through the learning process that I went through.


What are the advantages to an endowment fund?
  • Growth of the fund over time increases the initial investment.
  • Anyone can contribute to the fund at any time.
  • Donations are 100% tax deductible and ICF sends tax receipts to all contributors.
How can I contribute to CAL’s endowment?
  • Send a check made out to ICF with instructions to credit the funds to Community Assistance League of Sandpoint the following address:  210 W. State St., Boise, ID, 83702.
  • Make a payment on your credit card on line:, if you need assistance, or would like to arrange an automatic payment every month call 208-342-3535.
  • Use the above telephone number for help to set up a direct payment from your checking account each month.
  • Remember the Community Assistance League of Sandpoint in your will or trust.