Posted by Tracy Gibson on Jan 18, 2020


Dear CAL Members,

Have you NEVER served on the CAL Grant committee? Has it been 10 years or more since you did serve? Here is your chance! If you like to volunteer in the shop or participate in other CAL work projects and want to know more about how your efforts make a difference, the CAL Grant Committee is for you. Understanding how and why our money is distributed will give you a stronger connection to CAL’s mission.

Work dates to consider are April 9th and 30th. On the 9th we have a brief meeting for instruction and distribution of workbooks. Reviewing the Grants over the coming weeks becomes your homework. On the 30th, we have a long ‘decision making’ meeting with a potluck lunch. The Grant Committee process is a thoughtful and heartwarming experience every member should experience.

If interested, contact me immediately to have your name added to the list for consideration. We have members who have served before on a waiting list, but are opening this opportunity to first time participants and long time members who have not been on the committee for over 10 years to encourage greater member involvement. I look forward to hearing from you!

Tracy Gibson
Grants Chair