Posted by Karen Hanna on Feb 10, 2018
New Volunteer Scheduling Module
To Be Implemented this Month!

Dear CAL Members,

The Volunteer Module from CAL's website will be put into use beginning this month. It will help streamline volunteer scheduling for Bizarre Bazaar, by allowing members to select and sign up for shifts directly on the website. The paper calendar will still available at the store, but I would encourage volunteers to use the electronic calendar as much as possible (once the invitation email is received). There are several benefits to the use of it over the paper method. The schedule is structured by Day, by Week, by Shift.

The process will be:
1) Volunteer will receive an email inviting them to sign up for shifts for that month. It that will contain a link to the requested calendar ("Click on Sign up"). This will navigate directly from the email and eliminates the need to login to the website.

2) Volunteer can signup for a desired shift, and both the volunteer and the store managers will be notified via a confirmation email. This email can add shift to the volunteer's mobile device and/or computer calendars.
3) The email will also have a link to allow you to view or change your commitment(s). Using it will navigate back to the shift calendar where you can add a shift or cancel a shift if necessary, which will notify the Bizarre Bazaar store managers. The cancellation email will not contain a link back to the system, so please keep the "invitation to schedule" email or a confirmation email, so you have a way to schedule again for the month.

Steps to select shifts from the email:

1) Select the "Sign Up" link from the email
2) Select the day, week and shift for which you want to schedule.

3) Press the appropriate Sign Up Bar for the day to schedule (as shown on the Scheduling picture below).
4) It will take you to a confirmation screen
Leave the Member Type: "Myself"
Enter the captcha presented

Press Save (or Cancel if you have selected the incorrect day or shift)

And that's it. You'll receive a confirmation of the selected schedule!

Expect to see an invitation to the new Volunteer Scheduling system this week. I will be giving a demonstration of the system at the next General Meeting on February 21 and answer any questions.

Thank you,
Karen Hanna