Greetings Dear Volunteers,


Banister news:

Hooray, the new banister is installed and the upstairs is open for business. Along with the new banister is a New Rule for this area:

Please do not put merchandise on the stairs against the back wall. That wall, too, will have a banister installed.


Help Needed:

Next Saturday Cindy Chenault is being honored as one of the Women of Wisdom at a luncheon at Tango. Cindy and I always work on Saturday afternoon, so we need subs for that day. Rose Chaney has volunteered but she does need some help. If you are not going to the luncheon and have the time, your help would be so appreciated.


Good News:

The May income for BB exceeded every May since the shop opened in 2006. We were $3,000 over 2014 and $6,000 over 2013. Thank you for getting the donations sorted, cleaned, pressed, priced and in the shop with such efficiency. The success of BB is because of YOU.



One more reminder:

There is an outside cleanup day planned at Bizarre Bazaar Monday starting between 9:30 and 10:00. Bring your gloves, favorite gardening tools and a sack lunch. If you have any questions, call Cherie Warber for details; home phone 208-265-9921 or cell 208-610-4924.


Most gratefully,

Joyce and Cindy